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Untrustworthy, 29 y.o.
Śrem, Poland [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 77.
inactive user
hello there
inactive user
inactive user
hello, this is random, but since you said that you love cigarettes, you should be glad that you live in poland! a box of cigarettes here cost €8.70, which is 35 zloty!! >: (
inactive user
Haha nice to hear that!!!
so how was party??
inactive user
um.. sorry to hear that T_T....
so didn't u go to party??
i'm really good today~ also i went to do shisha!!haha1
inactive user
hi! now u can feel good?
how about flu??
inactive user
all day?aww..poor.
i don't like all of medicine! sick of it T-T
yeah! on weekend all of people hav to enjoy there freetime!
inactive user
aww really? i hope that u can feel good soon!!><
did u take medicine?
um..i think u hav to take rest!! haha suck..
i'm good! but bit busy~~
inactive user
how r u??
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2011
spokojnie xDDD:D
Przecież się uczę< niewinny uśmieszek> xD
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