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Happy birthday!!!wish you all they best!!!
cold's straight to the bones, i like colder weather though than summer like heating inside an oven srsly. will surely fck up when i experience white christmas lol
haha thanks, what are your preparations for christmas then, i mean in States?
yea really approaching very fast, just like a tic away woooh!
Ahh so goodluck on your work I really wish I could have too!
It's getting colder somehow, fighting for coughs and colds, hbu? Nah, just staying at home and todays the start of the dawn mass, 9 days 'dawn' mass before christmas :)
Have a Productive day ahead!
You have such a nice blue eyes! handsome (:
i am good, thanks, nice to meet you, your r from clifornia right? i am going to study there this august...so excited
hi, i am gin from taiwan how r u
Haha! Beat 'cha to it ;)
Just procrastinating like usual! haha how about yourself :P?
Just procrastinating like usual! haha how about yourself :P?
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