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Trick1988, 36 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 69.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2012
inactive user
yes,of course:)
inactive user
actually ,my name is katerina:)Siona is my nickname:)nice to meet you too:):)):)
inactive user
hello:)i am fine,thanks!and you?
inactive user
I'm fine too :)
Where were you so long? :P
inactive user
How are you?
Long time no see :)
inactive user
I only know some words... :)
I like Japan and Korea.
inactive user
Haha xD
Holidays are the best!
inactive user
Oh, why? :)
A lot of work?
inactive user
My day? Boring :/
And your? :)
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