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Tjgosl, 32 y.o.
Bucheon-si, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
inactive user
ahhh actually korea is good. but there is no place like home :)
inactive user
korea? urmmmm i don't know xD
inactive user
jag mar bra! xD

it's i'm fine in swedish xD
inactive user
hi! :D
nice to meet you
inactive user
Hello !! how are you?
these days i have to stay at home to help my father. he came back from hospital and cannot do a lot of thing by himself, but yesterday i had to go to the optician for a check up and unfortunately there was another i had to stay in paris all day. i went to the theatre and then to the restaurant alone, it was not really funny and then i met one of my friend.
any plan for the weekend?
inactive user
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's time for entrance exam???

Cheer Up!!! It's just a pretest. I can understand your feeling though~
You'd definitely get a good score just don't stress yourself out^^

But I got a lot of stress here -*- Just finish reading the text and I don't understand why they chose this text for class...such a friggin retarded textbook to be honest -_____-iii
inactive user
Hello^^ Thanks for your reply. I'm so happy to receive it!
I'm Thai but now living Beijing to study. I also learn Korean but still in the beginner level ~ So difficult T.T

By the way, you look so cool in your profile pic ^^

Take care
inactive user
Hi there!
inactive user
oh i see ! so i wish you all the best for your exam !!
aja aja fighting ^v^
inactive user
Hey ! how are you? sorry once again i'm late to reply :s
these days were awful for me because of driving lessons and exam T.T
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