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Marzena, 32 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 12, 2019
Shame, that! It's always good to see other women in history. :) I manage a small local history museum!
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2019
You have a lovely name, Marzena! You list history as your first interest - do you work in the field?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2016
Sorry, got butter on my keyboard and was trying to get it off, then sent it by accident.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2016
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2016
I hope we can have a good talk of how beautiful life :) you have nice evening :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2016
you have nice evening :) I hope we can talk about life and the many anecdotes that pass through our cultures
inactive user
Oh I see.
Since everyone like and want to be pale, we need to take some measures.
inactive user
Ohh they must be our common enemy haha
Well what's SPF???
Nothing special, just lazy haha.
inactive user
Oh I see.
Maybe there are less ultraviolet rays, and you look to have white skin naturally, so you might not have to avoid them.
That's good things for a woman.
inactive user
19th and early 20th century history. All the wars - the Franco/Prussian war, Austro/Prussian war, Russo-Turkish wars and the American Civil war are all super interesting to me. WW1, WW2, and the Cold War is something I love to read up on as well. The rise of nationalism and the change of ideologies is fascinating imo.

What about you? :)
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