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Raphael Pec., 34 y.o.
Indialantic, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
inactive user
umm i wanted to come in January. but i wanted to work over there.
i researched visa's and stuff. turns out you have to be something real special to work over there. so i cant.
so if i did come i could only come for a 3 month holiday and i dont really wanna do that, cause i wont want to leave. so im kind of stuck .. :/
inactive user
nice :) how are u?
inactive user
heyy :) nice to meet ya!
inactive user
you have a baby?? its very tiring dont like my job at all ha im quiting in sep have a job in a pub :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2010
Awwww there better then good :) They are perfect :) Beteer than perfect people all over Ireland come to Wexford for our strawberries :) What about you what would you do if you came to Ireland for 15 days?
inactive user
Oooh ouch! I haven't seen it in person unfortunately, I'd love to someday though! :)
inactive user
when i come over to america im gonna look for one. ive wanted one foreverrrr!

crazy people are always fun. makes life much better haha.
ohh surfing? so jealous! i really want to surf. you must be very multi talented lol
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2010
haha.. i dont doubt that it didnt :P
Thanks.. Nothing much now you?
inactive user
yeah just with the fun of the hospitality industry and being rostered on on weekends! how much more fun could it be (incase you didnt notice, it was all sarcastic ;) ).... yeah crazy seasons and time zones and stuff... argh confusion... umm yeah just like finding some mountains around and think... hmmm i might just climb that today.. hahah... thats about it aye... would love to go to the outback though... im not sure about mountains and stuff there... i think its pretty flat aye... yeah... so what do you enjoy doing on weekends? do you get them off? :P heheh...
inactive user
well yea i guess we do ha must suck for you :( well this year im just relaxing and working... i work in a hotel ha yu work??
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