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Sofi, 33 y.o.
Córdoba, Argentina [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
inactive user
Happy birthday! :)
inactive user
Well, I've been to almost every country in Europe, then of course Russia, and one time to the States - and that sums up my travelling, I try to travel at least three times a year! :)

What about you? Which countries have you been to?
inactive user
Hm, well - I'm a full time student, studying medicine and nursing, so that's what I do, oh - and currently I'm looking for a job, so I can work part-time!
What I like to do...ehm, read, travel, going to the gym, hang out with family and friends, going to the movies, well - normal stuff, that you have time for, when you're studying! :)
Is that what you meant?
inactive user
Yeah, I can only imagine!
Ah, I see - well, that sounds like a good plan! besides living on your very own is overrated! So moving in your girlfriend sound like a good idea! :)
Haha, sure we have McDonalds here, they're everywhere, haha! Global domination! Well, it's the same here, 18 years of age is the golden thing here too! Aah, I see - well, sounds resonable! :)
Aww, German sheppards!! Haha, that sounds like a very nice story, and so nice that you do that for your dogs, it's very nice! :)
Haha, I reckon, if I had pets, I'd also be able to talk about them all the time, like they were my babies! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2012
Hi, how are you?
inactive user
Oh, okay - I see, yeah, things tend to be more visual, when the surroundings are more grande, so I think it makes sense! That's quite big city, your city that is, I mean, the population here is only 5,6 million in the entire country, it's not that many, but then again Denmark isn't a big country.
So you can see yourself -in the future- having a baby girl named Uma? :) Aww, that's a good compromise. What kind of dog is it? And what kind of a dog is Killer?
Ehm, no - I don't have any pets, I've never had a pet in my life. My mom's allergic to everything fur, and the dorm I live in, you're not allowed to keep pets...haha, yeah - I battled a spider in my bath room today, big bugger! Aracnofobic, woah, really? Even if it's a tiny tiny spider?
Oh, I see - what kind of work is it that you do? Hm, you could always move in with a room mate?
inactive user
So you'd like to live on your own? What about moving to a dorm, I assume you're still a student?
Ah, that sounds pretty much the same as here...but it feels very pricey and expensive sometimes! :/
So in Cordoba, you don't have slums?
Haha, awesome names! Very Tarantino, I reckon, that Uma is named after Uma Thurman? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2012
Let me tell you that it's a placer for me to talk to you, because you're the first one who talks to me with the same interests! I love it :) not having to explain what I want to know about the other country, so thanks :)
inactive user
Well, it's roughly about 6 hours, that's not that bad!
Hm, a bottle of Coke 0,5L costs around 15 Danish crowns, which is around 2,5 dollars, the food is really expensive, even the veggies and the fruit, if you decide to eat out in a restaurante, a meal could cost around 100 Danish crowns, which is 16,5 dollars - but that would be like the least expensive dish, so if you're not picky and all, you probably won't think it's expensive, heck, even junk food here is expensive!
Haha, developed? Yeah, I'd say that Denmark is developed, free health care and all, but the taxes are killer - they're way too high, but then again, if you wan't free health care, then the taxes have to be high! Oh, you have children suffering famine? Really, I didn't think so, I thought that Argentina was quite 'far' in that department.
Aww, pets - what are the names of your two dogs?
It's the same aroung here, you're legal, when you turn 18, and that's also when people decide to move away from the nest, I moved out at 19 :)
inactive user
Oh, well - Denmark is okay, a bit too small for my taste, there are a lot of different cultures here, especially in the big citites. The lifestyle here is expensive, everything is so pricey, it's really ridonkulous, whether it's houses, food products, welfare - everything is just so damn expensive! Maybe we're still feeling the financial crisis that hit Europe two years ago, I don't know...
Oh, I see :) - how come your president is unpopular?
What does your job include? It's evening here, almost 8 pm - so the time difference isn't that big between our countries.
Don't worry about it, if there's something I don't understand, I'd ask, so no worries! ;)
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