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Snakeyoung, 40 y.o.
Wuhan, China [Current City]



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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 204.
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lol...strange? kekekeke
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
do you have a picture optimizer?? it shrinks the size of pictures. You can find it online
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
yeah ok sure.
There's 2 calypso songs on my profile, you can start there.
I'll message you my msn.
But my computer only has "soca" songs.
Our calypso isn't recorded like normal songs. It's a once a year performance, only recorded live on tv. So it's easier to find on youtube.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
oh no no, not at all. I'm not uncomfortable at all. I don't mind sharing personal views on life. It's really a good change in talk for me. I'm really happy with it, I didn't mean to sound like I was arguing. I'm sorry TT
But you still got the idea I was trying to say. You have to make a decision on what to do with your life. Hopefully the best decision possible. Life has many chances to do things, some chances may never come back while others are always there. That's why I choose study, because the chance of study for me may not return, or not return the same way I had it before.
It is a serious topic. But please don't think I'm upset, I'm just being honest about what I think.
Music? yes I'm into alot of Asian music these days. Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. I also like my country's traditional calypso music. How about you??
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
The truth is, in life no one stops learning. One way or another you must learn something in life to survive. It doesn't always have to be something in a school or academic.
I study because I like what I learn. I'm curious about many things. You don't have to if you don't want to. Everybody's different. There are people who are satisfied with what they have studied and decide to move on in life. Others continue maybe because they want a better job, or they want to be better than someone else. The choice is up to you. If you want to study more or you want to do other things. Like if you want to start a family you must be able to support it.
I agree. But then I'm younger than you, so I'll be more into sports and social activities. For you, maybe you can travel. Pursue international business and work in foreign countries. So you travel and work, in a way. I don't know.
I once said that if I'm not married by 30, I won't have kids.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
My purpose for studying is to be independent. I want to be able to take care of myself first before I begin a relationship. I like learning new things so it's natural to me to continue studying. But I can't study forever. I must work to earn money to live. The way I live, by the time I do decide to settle down I'll already have studied enough and have a good job. It all depends on what you do first and what's more important to you.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
wow you also have choices to make. But I think it's better to study first then work after. The more qualified you are the better your job will be. I'm sticking to that theory until I'm ready to decide what I want to do
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
Yes, IT is a wide field, I can do anything.
If not Japan, Europe is also good. I heard India is the best but I don't want to go there.
oh, do you plan to have your own company some day??
Or work for a foreign company maybe.
I'm still unsure of my career path exactly. But I know I want to be in the IT field!
What do you do for fun??
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
that's ok.
Sales is a very popular field I think.
what is your major??
After I graduate I want to do my postgraduate degree in Japan. But I'm afraid of hearing IT words in Japanese >_<
Otherwise I'll have to do a Computer science post grad degree which will make me a professional programmer.
Honestly I like graphic design and animation. There's too much to choose!!
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