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Sean McDonald, 38 y.o.
Chicago, United States [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2015
hello, I fear dogs but you like dogs woow
inactive user
Hi Sean!!! nice to meet you!!! hahaha
I hope you might like mexico! haha
i dont have friends in USA, but my family lives there...

sorry my english is bad!! >////<
inactive user
thanks for visiting my profile!!! ^^
inactive user
haha yes I'm very exciting but I don't want this to end :( I don't want to grow up :(
I have tomorrow a huge test on english and I hope it will go well :)

I will go to somewhere maybe after I will finish to italy or I don't know....

where do you want to go this summer??? europe?? or in USA?

me and my friends will take a trip I think after the Army or I will do with my friends after the school but to one place but I'm not sure if not I will do with my mom haha

How are you? how was the weekend? :)
inactive user
Hey sean :)

sorry I didn't write I'm really bust with my studies, I have just 2 months more and that's all :) and than I could talk with you fluently :) haha

How are you?? what's new with you?? :)
inactive user
Hey :)

You Welcome I was very happy to hear this from you! :)
sorry I don't replay for your message but I'm busy with my studies so I can write you soon cause I have an holiday in one week :)
haha 24 it's not old, you are young enough to marry me :) I'm only joking

So how was your week ??

Have fun in the weekend :)
inactive user
Happy Birthday Sean !! :)
I wish you all the best and hope you will have fun in the place you are and eat a good dinner haha :)
Have a great time !

inactive user
I'm sorry I'm not writing you a massage but I will write you soon cause I had a really hard day, and I'm tired a little bit
so I hope you will understand :)
Take Care :)
inactive user
I'm also so proud of you ! :) haha
Good to know ! Thanks for let me know ;)
inactive user
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