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Océane, 31 y.o.
Strasbourg, France [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
Hi long time no see T^T how r u?? something special??
inactive user
Thank you~~ hehe
HM... I really wanna play the piano again! T^T
I had learned it until I was 13, but my mom stopped me from playing the piano T^T
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2012
What?!^^ Punishment????!!!!!^^ Haha!!^^ I will believe you this time because I'm the greatest person all over the world... hahaha!!^^
De rien^^

Ohoh!!^^ Then you mean you want to share this world with me?!OoO ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OoO ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
No^^ But according to my French dictionary, I'm right!!^^ So, you have to obey my dictionary, d'accord??!! Hahaha!!^^
What accounts you do with my brain? What do you mean?^^;;
Haha, really?!^^ Are you sure?!^^ But 슈퍼주니어 already told me you're already horrible... hahahahaha!!^^
Yes, I am!^^ Now, I'm having a break at the Elysee Palace!! Haha!^^
inactive user
Thank you~~ ><
well... my scores are lower than the past one, but I think my grades are higher than it~ Because this exam is more difficult than the last one!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2012
Hahaha, really?! Are you sure?!^^ Then just tell me "Oh, your highness!! please please don't punish your poor servant, please!!!!" first!!^^ Then I will consider it, OK??!! hahaha!!^^ You are a good girl?! Are you a girl??!!OoO Hahahahahaha!!^^
Ohoh, I see^^ Anyway, good luck!^^ and be relax!!!^^

Because you said you want to be the onwer of this world and don't want to obey me well!!^^ It's the reason I said!! D'accord??!!^^
Hahahahaha!! Really?!^^ But my holy body taste good, so you have to obey me well!!!! no??!! Hahahahaha!!^^
Hahahahahahahahaha!!^^ Bad means great in French??!!^^
Hahahahahahahahaha!! That's funny!!^^ Then I need to operate for curing your brain as soon as possible... hahahaha!!^^
Two hundreds???!!!OoO Oh la la!!!!!!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But you better than Elizabeth Bathory because she killed over 1500 people for 10 years!!^^
Don't worry, I'm already coming there now!! Hahaha!!^^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2012
Hahaha, Finally you realised you must be punished!!^^ I'm so happy for this, so I'll punish you as much as I can, d'accord??!!^^ So, just be happy for that!! Hahahaha!!^^
Oh, really?^^ Then how was your exam?^^

What?!OoO Then you mean you want to be a traitor??!!^^
You want to eat me?!^^ D'accord, then obey me well first!! Then I will let you eat my holy body... hahahahahaha!!^^
Don't worry, my punishment contains mental + physical things together^^ So, it won't disappoint you, d'accord??!!^^
OK, then let me know your MSN by private message^^
I think you need to go to mental hospital to make you to escape from your dreamland!! Hahahahaha!!^^
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!OoO Then the doctor is you??!!!!!^^ How many people did you eat then??!!OoO hahaha!!^^ But I think your brain also need to be cured by the doctor... hahaahha!!^^
inactive user
Hope you get great grades!!!
Well~~ I think I did so so.. T^T and have finals on July 4th~9th!!
Hew.. I hate exams!! TT
inactive user
Sorry for late.... T^T
so did you do well on your exam?? I hope you doing well ><
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2012
You always want to make free hugs??!!^^ Then hug me right now!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!^^
What??!!OoO Then are you going to fight with me??!!^^ Because I'm the owner of this world, so you have to obey me well as an alien, d'accrod???!!!!^^ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!OoO Don't eat me, don't eat me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ OK, I will check your speaking is true or not!^^ But if you lied me, you'll be punished very strongly... hahahahaha!!^^
OK, I've just added you on my Facebook, so please check it^^ and you don't have Kakaotalk, MSN and Skype?^^
So, are you going to disobey the owner of this world??!!^^ Punishment?????!!!!!^^
Ohho^^ Then I hope you visit Korea before visit Japan... hahaha!^^
Haha, c'est vrai^^ Yes, my brain is getting worse... hahaha^^ and you?^^
inactive user
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