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Scotty_fuel, 50 y.o.
Rankin Inlet, Canada [Current City]


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Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 45.
inactive user
Hi from Ontario :)
inactive user
Leaving a Hello as requested :D Checked out the photo album , fantastic pictures.. and the truck...dammnn i'd need a ladder just to get to the ladder Lolol :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2011
I am Bernaded. You may call me Bernad. I am from Indonesia, Big country with small Quality. LOL. I do surprise when I read your profile that you like TV serial True Blood! I adore it! but I do disappointed when HBO asia no longer broadcast it. T_T
inactive user
Im just glad they started sellin them here....everyone needs to tim tam slam once at least
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2011
Scotty, you didn't see really hot pics with me)))
Thank you for the compliment. When I was looking through your profile I thought that your eyes are sly a little))) which is cute
inactive user
That's good to know! ;-)
inactive user
Oh, I thought for a second that you migh hunt them? ;-)

But tell me, what had the small squirrel done, as you killed it? It did not look too scary to me...
inactive user
"Doge the polar bears"? I don't know what "doge" means and I am not sure I want to know either! ...LOL...
inactive user
Some great photos you have in your album!! (And here was I thinking I live in a "winter wonderland"!)

Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2011
thanks for stopping bye! have a nice day :o)
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