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Juliette Brashears, 31 y.o.
Springdale, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 31.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2010
Ohhh yeahhh...of course I remeber you :) Didn't expect to ever hear from you again in this life...but anyway..I'm still quite ok here...what about you? Why did you delete your first account on interpals?
Can't wait to hear from you soon again ;)


inactive user
thats fuji onda :DD
i really like too this painting!!
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2008
im fine
sorry i didnt write you soo long time but i wasnt home..i was in germany :D...
(and sorry for my english XD )
*bye bye**
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2008
Thanks for taking the time to respond! If you draw yourself or know people who draw well, please have you/them send samples of their work to [email protected]. I'm also looking for people to design the website as well. This is an exciting opprotunity to break into something that's going to change the industry forever. Any artist or web designer that I work with will be paid well ^_^ In order to get free stuff and autographs and sketches and the like, all you have to do is refer people to my page. The more people we get posting on my wall, the more fans that we have so that we can get this book published! Make sure that when they message on my wall that they credit your Interpals name so I'll know that you were the one that sent them! In the middle of next year, we're going to get all the people who have posted to sign a petition so we'll get published. And when it gets published, you'll receive all the issues as they come out for free as well a sketches and autographs! Soon, we're going to set up a petition to get this thing published and if you get enough people to sign it, you'll never have to pay for a single manga and those that you do get will be autographed for free! Also, I'm setting up MySpace, LiveJournal and Facebook pages so if you have an account on there, private message em the details. Spread the word! ^_~
inactive user
hellooooooo :D
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2008
I'm going to post your letter tomorrow afternoon^^
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2008
Hey Cutie! Where are you? I'm missing you..hope you're fine....

Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2008
Hey my little friend^^ How are u today? I'm going to write a letter for you this evening. Is that ok with you?
inactive user
thank you~^^ nice to meet you
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2008
hey*im fine you?:D
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