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Adibah, 30 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 648.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2011
haliza,kawan nik nadhirah..kita pernah jumpa time dekat rumah nik ,yg ada arif sekali time tuu.:)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2011
nie awek aghif rozain ke??
inactive user
Yeaah! I love it to XD My desk is always full of drawings and these things.

It can be really messy sometimes, but it's very personal, I think. Though I have to clean it up sometimes XD
inactive user
Yeah! Well, I like to take photos too, but nothing serious. But I really like to draw and write ^^
inactive user
HAHA i guess not lol....2 months of no school would be amazing for me (:

buying things for school? hmm that could be sorta fun? lol
our break starts tomorrow. we're gonna be going down south inshAllah to hang out my cousins n other relatives ((:
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2009
what about you?
inactive user
Yeah, it's a nice game!

Well, I'm fine too. Just talking to friends and uploading some photos xD You like to take photos, don't you? ^^
inactive user
i go to public school, but i am in the IB(international baccalaureate) program.

2 months?! u guys r really lucky...hahah but at least u don't have to go to school n deal w/ exams (:

r u doing nything exciting during ur break?
inactive user
Haha thanks. I love to learn. :D
So you don't actually fast the whole 30 days, just most the day?
That doesn't sound all that much different from Christmas. It sounds really fun though!
I'm sure you all ready know about
You know how for Christmas, there's always talk about Santa, or whatever, does Eid have like a fictional character that you always hear about during it, you know? That's probably a dumb badly worded question..sorry. hah.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2009
Nope. there thougth process is I don't have a life, so I might as well make sure he doesn't burn the house down.

And I just think I have a higher vocabulary than the mediocre person :P That doesn't sound as smart as I had hoped :P
Haha, I'm tired T^T
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