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Chirs, 34 y.o.
Minglanilla, Philippines [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
inactive user
You so welcome let's chat soon are you on skype or w hatsapp? Message me ok
inactive user
Hello I am Trevor from England I too are caring kind .loyal friendly and happy to be your friend
inactive user
Hey :)
This guy has been my boyfriend. I have not been online for a while here, so I forgot to update the picture *does now*. :)
How are you? :)
inactive user
thanks for the comments first. Hell no, all the photos I uploaded are showing ME. So this is not my mom in the b/w pic, it is ME. xD Do I relly look THAT old?! O.O'
Uh, I'm learning spanish sice last august or september, so it's not as good as I can understand this ^^" Sorry.
Anyway, how are you? :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2009
Yeah!That's the truth,you have a changes in your physical appearance,in your outside look...uhhh,i hope in your inside look doesn't change 'coz for me that's a very important to one person,..
Be good at all times especially to your parents...umm, take care always friend....luv yah:)
inactive user
I wish you a Happy New Year, too!
And thanks :D But I thought my look hasn't changed ^^°
But, if you think so, I'm happy :D
inactive user
Being at that age I would be scared. I never told any one from the internet my school name.
inactive user
Oh, thank you ^__^
My youngest sister is 7 years old, the other one is 13 now and then it's me with 17 :)
What about you? Have you got brothers/sisters?
inactive user
It would depend on how far the man would go.
inactive user
school is funny ^^ - sometimes. but on some days i wish i were somewhere else... its boring :P
but now you have to learn very much to pass all these damn exams -_-'
no, i dont have twins but ive got 2 little sisters :P
what about you? :)
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