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Rich, 35 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 454.
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2012
hej :D
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2012
Kings of Leon! Have you seen them performing?
inactive user
Ironing can be an art! Especially if you learn how to burn the sheets JUST so *nods*
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2012
Hey Rich,
How are you? I send warm greetings from the USA. Nice to see you're in the Royal Navy. Have you been the US yet? Hope we can chat sometime.
inactive user
Heyy thanks for visit me ! :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2012
hello from the states,how is London today? I see that you like hockey as do I! Is hockey big in England?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2011
helllo! :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2010
Oh cool haha. what uni are you at?
the little town is called beaconsfield. heard of it? its known as the town with all the big houses and celebrities. i dont like to think of it that way haha, i think of it as a cute little homely town :)
but yeah im fine thank you :) not up to much this evening, just chilling at home, going to watch a movie and have loads of food xD what about you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2010
hey! :) thanks for viewing my profile. i see we are from the same part of the country - that's cool, seeing as the majority of people i talk to on here live in a different country and miles away!
so, how are you? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2010
Hey, I though Id just drop by with a message in my very bad spelling and typing grammar :)
I just wanted to see whats going on up in the part of the country where things actually happen! The southwest might as well be an inpoverished (good spelling there) country compared to the south east - you wanna know our equivelent of ice hockey? :P haha
anyway Ill stop jabbering now
Im Sofia
You know where to fidn em if you wanna talk :)
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