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Brittany, 34 y.o.
West Albany, United States [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2019
hi hi welcome !!!
inactive user
inactive user
Basically, it means: "I miss you." In this Spanish construction, the order is a bit different. If you take the form "Me haces falta." it is a shortened version of the meaning "Tú me haces falta a mí." Think about it as an odd English structure of "You make me miss you." And then think of that as "You, you make me miss." This basically means "I miss you." However to get to the Spanish way of thinking. You take "You, you make me miss" and you delete the first you, creating "You make me miss" or "Tú haces me falta." Then just move the "me" and delete the "tú" to make it "Me haces falta"

I hope that wasn't utterly confusing
inactive user
What about house don't you like it? :)
inactive user
Hey there, how have you been?
inactive user
Yeah, the lightning in those storms can get pretty freaky, especially when it gets close to you. I remember one night at work last summer, it was late and I was just hanging around waiting for the movies to end and there was a pretty severe thunderstorm going on outside, so I just stood by the window in the lobby watching it for a while. It was pretty cool, yet scary to see the huge bolts of lightning colliding with the pavement of the parking lot. Yeah, looks like we are on the cusp of yet another weekend. Haha. I do believe I will be working for a lot of it, like always. Haha. Summer will be here soon though. Haha
inactive user
Hey, hows it going?

I've seen more and more people from Albany on here in the past few weeks.. Are you going to be doing the normal thing that most kids from the area do and go to college as far away as possible? hah, most kids hate it there, but believe me, its not as bad as you think it is :).

Anyways, have a good one.. Oh, and I'm Adam by the way.
inactive user
Yeah, thunderstorms are very intruiging aspects of nature to observe. They are beautiful and mesmerizing yet can be so powerful and destructive. I like watching them unfold. My weekend was ok, nothing special. Some parts of it were long and tiring, other parts were just boring. How was your weekend?
inactive user
Well, at least you're keeping busy. Haha. The weather here has been pretty decent lately. This week had a few rainy/cold/dreary days, but overall it's been pretty warm and sunny, which I like. The only thing I don't like about the summer is when it starts to get really hot. I wish it would just stay how it is now. Anyway, have a great weekend!
inactive user
Oh, I really wouldn't consider the incredibles a superhero movies. I'm talking mainly about ones based off comic books like superman, batman, etc... Most of those type of movies do usually end up being a bit on the corny side, only a few of them ( like the newer batman films ) are actually compelling films, but most of them are fun to watch. Anyway, enough of me going on about that. Haha. What have you been up to this week?
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