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Thalía , 30 y.o.
Mexico City, Mexico [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 60.
inactive user
listen to "vladivostok 2000 " and " nevesta" It's my favourite!)
inactive user
oh really?) Thats cool! so what songs do u like?)
inactive user
Hey, sorry for the late reply ! Nothing really interesting actually, it's quite boring these days. What about you ? And yeah sure, at least someone actually took the time to read my profile, I'm happy about that xP Actually I wanted to start with the basics, so my deck is taken from the original one, the tarot of Marseille. The drawings are also inspired by the original ones but were made by an artist. It's easier for beginners, so that's why I chose it. Plus, it's the oldest one, so I felt more comfortable. Do you have one too ?
inactive user
Why not, I will send you a massage ;)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2014
thx for visiting my wall ! yeah i did Freeletics ~ its very resaonable workout hehe after 15 weeks program i m taking rest for my real estate exam^^
i love bedminton and weight training ! it stimulate my muscle^^
inactive user
yeaa... where have u been?? I thouht u mad at me... :P
paul the squid? what's that??
inactive user
That's true.
Nah, it's ok. I've been out a lot too. Just the other day I was on. ^^;
inactive user
Well I just figured out that I have an older brother I never knew of. My "friends" talk behind my back. And apperiantly someone wasted my college money on booze.

but other than that i think life is beutiful and if you trust for the futur to look bright it will. ^ ^
inactive user
hmm, well actually I vote for Argentina.. so I'm happy because they can defeat mexico, sorry..... xPPPP I can't vote Indonesia, haha....
it's okay right?
inactive user
Lawl XD
Yeah, but no one said life would be easy right?
So how's your "hard life" going so far?
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