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Point, 28 y.o.
Khlong Luang, Thailand [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree
Thammasat Univeraity



Relationship status


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
inactive user
hahahaha Just like me.. When I read a comment I say to myself: I'll reply tomorrow, but actually I reply after a week or sth. XD
inactive user
Oh hi.. I really don't know how it happened but I didn't know you left a comment about.. (It's a bit shameful T_T) a mounth ago.. Sorry~
inactive user
Nice to meet you Ploy! Im Colleen :)
inactive user
Are you same like almost your friend?
Academic thing is so interesting sometime, Trust me. You can learn many experiences from their activities.

So you want to go here for your University?
Sounds good,, I will go to New York college.

Of course because teachers will always need our help.
My role? I just secretary for president of school committee.
Maybe just like your school, Organize every school event, making school event, make good contest, make charity event, etc.
inactive user
Serious? No its not so bad, I think its quite fun for me.

Yes i'm in grade 11 too,, I cant wait to graduate soon.
Ooo Student committee? Yes i'm in student committee too. So fun because i can know many other student in my school.
inactive user
Okay Nice to meet you too, Ploy

Morning in here, Thank you. I eating my breakfast now.
I join chemistry club.
How about you? Are you high school student too?
inactive user
Hello too, Thanks to greet me first
Yeah i have so many activities, and i need work in my part time job. Thanks for your concern.
Ahhhh Hi Ploy, i'm Kimberly.
Sounds good, Thanks ~~
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2013
Hi Ploy! I hope you're having a wonderful life! Long live Thailand and USA!!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2013
oh man, I mean oh girl xD you get it xD... you're one tomboy, cool! =)
inactive user
Ohh nothing at all, I'm bored ;u;
What about you? C:
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