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Chris<3, 39 y.o.
Santa Monica, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 183.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2009
Do you like Hardcore punk (Crust, Anarcho-punk, D-Beat) ? Do you like Thrash Metal , Death Metal & Black Metal ?
inactive user
Judas Priest probably asked Whitesnake to open for them because there's only a handful of British metal acts left from back in the day. i don't think they want to be outplayed by any of the younger acts either hehe.
as for what metal bands i've been listening to, i've been into The Black Dahlia Murder's new album and since their album dropped a few months ago. i've been listening to a lot of Mastodon. I see that you're into Amon Amarth too, sweet!!! i don't know too much people that are into them in the states. most the fan i meet live in Europe hehe.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2009
My schoollife is ok :)
erm well except i have exam tomorrow -_-

and hows ur life?
anything new? :)
inactive user
your comining school with your work?:P thats pretty tough isnt it?

Im just busy going to school these days XD doing nothing special.

thanks. i like yours too!!^^
inactive user

Long time no talk!! ive been good? how aboyt you?
Still on night duty? haha

You look preddy as always :$
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2009
Hey! Im sorry for late reply.. :s
I've been good! :) its been awhile btw
how have u been?
inactive user
yeah i'm more of a fall and winter person myself but this summer has actually been pretty mellow except for a few days last month with the temperature over 100 degress. plus i'd hate the heat down there too with all the wildfires you guys are getting.
no i didn't get to catch the Judas Priest concert. i've always wanted to go to a Priest concert seeing that they're metal gods hehe. i grew up on whitesnake and i have to say, i'm not a big fan of their's, enough said hehe. well you have a great day and i'll catch you later then...
inactive user
wow long time no see, fancy seeing you on here again. well i've been doing good, just been busy as hell lately, enjoying the summer heat and the summer metal festivals. so how have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2009
hello, are you going to AX? xD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2008
hello there=)
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