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Hey, no I didn't receive a letter from you :)
Your reply is officially out, posted it a few min ago in fact.
Now considering the day I've had, I think it's time to go spend some quality time w/ my buddies Jack ( Daniels ) & Jim ( Beam )... };-P Hope your side of the pond is less... um... eventful... <crosses eyes>
Now considering the day I've had, I think it's time to go spend some quality time w/ my buddies Jack ( Daniels ) & Jim ( Beam )... };-P Hope your side of the pond is less... um... eventful... <crosses eyes>
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... or at least your drinks stronger... };-P Hang in there... & it's cool, write when you can... :)
Yeah... we're bringing a non-metal mutual friend with us to CoF. His mistake was to wonder verbally what we get up to when we go out coz we always come home with stories & bruises etc. He's going to be our merch bitch, someone's got to hold our shit for us whilst we do our thing. <rotfl>
As for Motorhead... OK here's a story for you. When Motorhead toured here back in 2011 I had an access-all-areas pass. Now keep in mind I was hanging around outside drinking before we were called in to meet the lads. When word came I still had one bottle of Slate to go. So I stashed it. Now Lemmy walks in & I was all holy shit it's the Kill Master ( yeah I play Brutal Legend too ). Nicest dude ever, tho, very approachable. I told him my liver wants to be his when it grows up & gave him my leftover bottle of Slate. He was all... now there's a girl after me own heart. <LOL> Now I'd got someone to take a photo for me, I'd been chatting to Phil & Lemmy grabbed me by the back of my jeans to yank me into position. Joke of the night was that for a split second I had Lemmy's hand on my ass. <rotfl>
As for Motorhead... OK here's a story for you. When Motorhead toured here back in 2011 I had an access-all-areas pass. Now keep in mind I was hanging around outside drinking before we were called in to meet the lads. When word came I still had one bottle of Slate to go. So I stashed it. Now Lemmy walks in & I was all holy shit it's the Kill Master ( yeah I play Brutal Legend too ). Nicest dude ever, tho, very approachable. I told him my liver wants to be his when it grows up & gave him my leftover bottle of Slate. He was all... now there's a girl after me own heart. <LOL> Now I'd got someone to take a photo for me, I'd been chatting to Phil & Lemmy grabbed me by the back of my jeans to yank me into position. Joke of the night was that for a split second I had Lemmy's hand on my ass. <rotfl>
Back in my day sonny, we had to walk thru miles of snow just to throw some dice around & we liked it, back then THACO meant something dagnabbit... <rotfl> Yeah I kick it old school, 1st thru 3rd ed... the increasing reliance on miniatures kind of pissed some of us off over here. <shrugs> There's a zombie-themed LARP running around Melbourne atm, that looks interesting tho & I'm involved w/ Swordcraft from time to time. Other than that... there are a few pencil/paper ones... wish Changeling: the Dreaming would've taken off more here.
OK, there you go... I just sent my details across to you, so fire at will. <LOL> I'm pretty laid back, can go either way, but if you want to write 1st I'm cool w/ that.
I'm psyched co Cradle of Filth are touring here again in May... a bunch of us are going, it's going to be my friend's bday party for this year. Expecting the bodycount to be high. \m/ As for Motorhead... I got more stories involving the band than is pro'ly good for me... <LOL>
I'm psyched co Cradle of Filth are touring here again in May... a bunch of us are going, it's going to be my friend's bday party for this year. Expecting the bodycount to be high. \m/ As for Motorhead... I got more stories involving the band than is pro'ly good for me... <LOL>
Hey, that's cool... better late than never, I guess... <LOL> I'm on here kind of hit & miss myself... sometimes life just gets in the way...<shrugs>
And I'm happy to do snail mail ( which is awesome ) or non-Interpals e-mail if you ever feel like chatting. Anybody who's into Motorhead is OK by me... };-P
And I'm happy to do snail mail ( which is awesome ) or non-Interpals e-mail if you ever feel like chatting. Anybody who's into Motorhead is OK by me... };-P
Good choice of music... Motorhead...!! \m/

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