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Ian, 62 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Hello Ian, thanks for writing on my wall. You say you read a lot.. any favorite authors?
inactive user
No wonder did your attempt to analyse my comment not result in anything coherent. Given the time of day I wrote it it was making even less sense than what often escapes my brain, mouth or typing fingers in the daylight. Besides I must not always be taken too seriously. Sometimes I just produce hot air or mere silliness. At times even on purpose ;) You seem more on the serious side. Right or wrong?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2011
Hello Sir@Friend,
I really wants to be a good friend and hope we can.
I believe in Respect,trust,Learning and sharing,I'm not any bad stuff and wish we could be good friends!!!
Good Vibes!!!!
inactive user
Most don't keep up fascinating, don't you think? Otherwise we would probably all stick to the people we know already. And I reckon that too much fascination can be unhealthy ;)
Anyways, no worries :-)
inactive user
Welcome. And, had a good day or was it just another working day? Your nick name reminds me of one of those silly sayings my English teacher at high school (hey, that's ages ago, so my memory loss isn't that bad after all) told us: "Preserve wildlife, pickle a squirrel".
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2011
inactive user
Just browsing and saw the cake with the candles, so it would be somewhat rude not to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope you have a great day :-)
inactive user
Hi "Pickles"

Greetings all the way from South Africa!
Am Mary and would like to be friends with you.
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