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Patrick26, 38 y.o.
Findlay, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 75.
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2012
hhahhah where are u living in america?
how are u today?whats ur name?
hahaha im vampire!!~~~
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2012
hey im stacey ^^ nice to meet you on here=D have a nice day~~
inactive user
sure i'll message you
inactive user
Thanks for viewing my profile
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2011
heyy :)
inactive user
Hah cool so you want to be a cop?
inactive user
this is true what do you do for work?
inactive user
it's not a bad gig
inactive user
music management and producing
inactive user
Haha yeah they can give me dirty looks about my tattoos and piercings all day but I'm the one who can still move my forehead
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