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Alex Kelly, 34 y.o.
Guildford, United Kingdom [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
inactive user
Hi ;) How are you?
I am dawoom If you feel like hard to remember, you can call me sidney which is my English name though hehe.
AH! *.* YES
I stumbled over your page! And i just saw your profile.
Oh my god! Are you studying at University of Surrey??
Actually i am studying IELTS to attend that university ! ! <3

I hope you are gonna write me back as soon as possible! (^^)

See ya soon
inactive user
Hey, my name's Chrissie.
So you're studying Maths? You must be very clever! I am terrible at it! I am studying English at the University of Barcelona so I am looking forward to speak with English native speakers to improve my English but, hey, don't panic! I can speak quite good, fortunately!!
Can I add you in msn?? We could talk about whatever you want. I would be glad :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2009
Hmmm, it's saying yours is invalid too! It's some msn/interpals conspiracy...

That actually sounds like a really cool job! There are very few college fairs that actually have International schools. It's not surprising, but a bit discouraging.
My friend works as a telemarketer for her college...

Thank you! I'm going to try and figure out what's wrong with my msn...I'm sure I'm muking it up. I'm a bit slow when it comes to computers...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2009
Oh, thank you! Gosh your system is different from ours...but you explain it much better than wikipedia...
UCAS, for the longest time, drove my crazy. I guess now that I'm farther alone I see the idea of filling it all out once and sending it to five schools...

Hertfordshire's kind of the last resort before any schools in the I didn't have to apply through UCAS... oh gosh, thank you! That'd be so helpful. I guess not hearing about these universities my whole life I really only get the very positive feedback of a universitie's website, haha.
Mine's [email protected]
Thank you so much! =.)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2009
Oh, Thank you! That makes sense, you study A-Levels for two years?...I only ask because here we get quarterly reports...and UCAS is just being difficult, haha.

Do you get actual grades at Universities? I feel like I remember reading something about a test at the end of your three years...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2009
hahaha, my family would definitely agree with you. My parents are always harking on about how I need a "functional degree" and my brothers are always poking fun at my...austere lack of any mathematical skill. I'd give you an example but it's almost embarrassing, haha.

You know, I think the American hired spokesperson for the University of Hertfordshire just didn't know what he was talking about...because, my history teacher seemed to disagree with that as well, and he's from the UK... Thank you! I really appreciate that. Actually, I've a question about A-Levels...when you go back to school for them, do you receive regular grade you just have your final exam grades? I know that's kind of a strange question...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2009
A few, actually. I love the idea of no general studies. I think the American system of wasting two years with studying subjects you'll never use again is a bit silly...Granted, I understand the attempt of making people "well-rounded" but...I've already accepted that I will always be terrible at math (which is kind of funny, since I come from a family of engineers...).
And, I like the idea of year-round study, and then being done in three years.
On top of that...I suppose I'm a bit of an Anglophile, haha.
Sorry, that was a rather long explaination...

I have to applaud anyone who goes into're inordinately brave! What do you want to do after University? =.)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2009
Hey, I'm Julia. =.)

How's it going?

I sometimes sail as well! Although, my brother's much better than I am...I've become a very experienced passenger, haha.
inactive user
Haha I tell you what, I shall sleep so you can ;P but now im not tired. Ugh. Do you have msn?
No no awkward that I can remember haha that would be odd to randomly bring up.

Haha oh god now Im a thing. :'( archaic. Anyway nah I know what you mean.

haha I plan on history and english mwhahahaha be envious!

Ha at least you dont have a cat eating your elbow. There must be something seriously awesome about my elbow. This is obviously not the first time she's done this, she's lucky she's cute or Id elbow her in the face.
Well I went to Wales (the food was horrible I didn't eat at all well I did but Im not sure what it was) um Snowdonia (sp?) well it was nice, i had a very humilating moment there. IN fact I have really big moments in each area I went to. Sub-consiously I hate myself I think.

Stratford-upon-avon, London, and a few other small towns. It was nice. I liked London. Of course there is a bad section in London and I totally found it while I was walking around with a gigantic map in front of my face, Im so lucky Im alive!!

Ahhhh I don't know. I want to so bad. I loved it but right now, I am poor :( I went this summer that is why. :P
inactive user
haha does Alex always speak in third person. I do hate math, I won't lie. It destroys my soul.

Yes you are right. Oh congrats!

Ha no I just had a vivid flashback, its horrible, my memory, it sucks short term but I can remember a lot of my childhood. :/ Its rather awkward, my mother is always like how the hell do you remember all that.

Mmmm....I am feeling a little boring today. Maybe it is the lack of sleep. :( OH well. Delusional will kick in eventually.
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