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Denn, 33 y.o.
Arnhem, Netherlands [Current City]


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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2016
Hi, sorry for a late answer..

I didn't bring them withh me when I left to study.. But they're still safe at home :)
inactive user
inactive user
inactive user
It's nice to hear that you enjoyed Vienna (:
Haha ..cats are just too wonderful to not love them :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2016
Thanks :D
Yes, I saw the series too. I used to watch them many times over as well. Now I got reminded too :) Wish I had brought it with me
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2016
hello how are you ?
inactive user
I have 2 acoustic guitars a Starfire and a stagg. I don't really play electric
inactive user
Ah thanks a lot! Squires are great guitars honestly, I still have one at my dads house to play when I go over.

That's great! Let me know if you want any tips on guitar, I've been teaching for years now. Something that can make solo's stand out is to swap between different modes and scales mid-solo, you just have to know which ones to use.

Yeah, let me know, it'd be interesting to hear. What sort of bands are you influenced by?

Last weekend and coming weekend are the same man, hectic, trying to sort stuff out for move to uni in 2 weeks haha!

I sent you a message.
inactive user
Ah cool, that's interesting about the classic rock series les paul, I just searched it and I've never actually seen one before. I want a stratocaster one day too haha, I'd really like a vintage 70's black one with a rosewood neck. I'm trying to become a pop songwriter so I have a demo you can check out here;
I'm not the best singer though. Do you have any recordings up anywhere?
inactive user
Thanks Denn! It's a great guitar although it's very heavy... I also have a 2012 Les Paul, a 1976 SG custom and a 2015 J-15 acoustic. I'd love to play/own all those other brands of guitar as well but whenever I have a chance to buy a new guitar I always just get a Gibson for the great resale value haha. What guitar/s do you play? (That's a cool dog.)
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