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Naima , 30 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 308.
inactive user
Hahah well lookie right back who it is! How the heckens have you been?!
inactive user
hey thanks for checkn out my profile^^ I'm Kosse, its nice to meet u.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2011
I've been pretty good,going to art school in san fran for screenwriting now just speding summer in LA how about you?!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
Hey its been a while, how have you been ?? :)
inactive user
Im never getting a BLACKBERRY! ever! Yes im back home, but im desperately trying to get away from here, do you have any suggestions? Right now im looking for flatmates in london, but i still need some kind of income... GAARHH!
inactive user
Did i reply?! :O i thought i didnt, im possibly the worst replyer ever, im so lazy now a days! Nope no blackberry, iphone or anything! just a totally regular cellphone!
inactive user
Holy crap nimes, you could have written a little longer comment, EH?!

I know im a youtube junkie aswell, big time, its sad. YEs i have tried to play piano! Ive gone into piano bars and played a little, hahah, and when i was taking german classes here, i snuck in to a room where theey had a piano! So there! Mandolins are amazing, they sound so great! Although, i desperatly want a mandocello! As soon as i find one im going to buy one, no matter the price...kinda.

Which band did you fall in love iwth?

Yes it is a big freaking problem, because its boring! And I need alternative people around me!

You clearly dont know your geography, vienna is in the middle of freaking europe, so no boats around! You dont know what an au pair is?!?!? Which stone have you been living under the past 16 years?! Its a person who goes to a family and helps them with they're kid(s) and gets paid and a room and food etc. And the family that im working for is utterly crap and the kid. They are awful, they treat me like a slave, thank jesus balls that im leaving in 6 days!

Yeah i only have converse here aswell, wierdly enough, so im freezing my feet off all the time! Its really sad that youve never seen snow. Snow is sooo awesome, and cozy! Well you cant even go out to bars! YOu should go to Camden town, and Brooklane, and the cargo and other places! Are you there alone?!
inactive user
I AM, im going completely mad, im desperate to play any of my other instruments! Shame shame shame on you nimes, you have to know what a mandolin is, YOUTUBE IT! although, there will pop up a lot of bluegrass music, cause a lot of it is played with a mandolin.

Yeah its beautiful, but laaaaaaaaame, and no definitely not a cool alternative european city, at all, more like, conservative, uptight, city, cold people, and almost no one knows how to dress, its sad. So a big no no on the cool alternative part. And im here as an au pair! Ive been here for almost 4 months, and im going in a week! THANK THE NONE EXISTING GOD, because the family is awwwwwwwwweful, so i cant wait to leave them! ooooooo are you liking london?
inactive user
Of course i remember! I remember more than you think, missy! Well, my piano playing isnt going that good, because i havnt had access to one for half a year! All i have know is my mandolin! And im living in vienna! Hows your life !?
inactive user
YO, nimes, how is the piano playing going?!
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