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Aleksandra, 26 y.o.
Wrocław, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2023
Hi~! Pretty lady🫂
I think I can exchange postcards with you in my broken English(?, I think it will be fun🤣
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2019
Hey! Thank you for the photo comment! :)
inactive user
You have really cool drawings Ola! :D
Very nice photos of Wroclaw too, overall I like the profile page :)

Well done!
inactive user
Listen to these ones, maybe you like it, they are brasilian:
inactive user
What a coincidence I like the message of their music, I think it's a mix between reality and fun. (Nocny Kochanek).

I know that Lady Pank is very popular, like forgetting the song Minus Zero, I think that the old rock bands have good music, I mean in English, Spanish or Polish.

(You should hear some Spanish rock songs)
(I love your drawings ... you have a special talent.)
inactive user
Well, I know some Polish music within my favorites are:

* Chopin - Spring Waltz
* Organek - Ta nasza młodość
* Rafal Brzozowski - Tak Blisko
* Klaus Mitffoch - Strzeż się tych miejsc
* Seweryn Krajewski - Najpiękniejsza
* Nocny Kochanek – Piątunio
* Mrozu - 1000 metrów nad ziemią

what's yours ? :)
inactive user
dzień dobry :D

I love learning languages and the cultures of the countries, I also like to have challenges in my life and I think that the Polish language is a beautiful challenge for me, no matter how many times I feel that I can not do it because my motivation will be greater, the key is never give up (Nie podlizuj się). haha That's true at first I could not pronounce the numbers lol
PDT: Polish music is incredible.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2018
I am play guitar and sing a song.If you want to watch my video you can fallow me in instagram. My instagram id: ufukkasal
inactive user
Dzięki za wizytę ;)
inactive user
jak ty tam?;))
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