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CYn, 36 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2014
hello ^^ lets being friend ^^
inactive user
I didn't use line that often after I updated my phone device TwT

It made my phone very very slow and consume more battery :(

I stayed home along SongKarn :) The weather is sooooooo hot so I don't like to got wet under this kind of weather lol

Don't worry, we still play on songkarn day every year :D You still have another chances :D
inactive user

I missed you cYn!! :D

Just passed SongKarn Festival in Thailand, I am thinking about you!

If you were here you must be very enjoy :D
inactive user
Oh yes i watched stand up! Drama with nino, shun, yamapi. Actually me too, not much of a hardcore jpop fan anymore but i still like their music. I guess it's because Japan has lesser exposure to other countries and they don't often do concerts outside Japan. Too bad because Jpop has so much to offer to the rest of the world^^ I wish they'll reach out to fans more often~~ I miss JE too lol
inactive user
I started to like Matsujun because of hana yori dango but long before that I like dorky cute Nino. They're all good! °^^ how about u? But among JE, i like yamapi and ryo the best kkk (gosh there was a time i was a total fangirl for NEWS, Kanjani and Kat-tun lol)
inactive user
Wow how do you know Christian Bautista? Kkk I like Arashi and Jdoramas too^^
inactive user
No, I got nothing sorry, I wondered whi I had not new, there is a computer bug in my opinion.
You alright ?
inactive user
Not so far from each other :D
inactive user
10 half pm here what about there!
inactive user
You are a girl you must say sawaddee ka hehehehehe
Hi there!! My name is Jane nice to meet u~~~~ and u r cyn aren't you?
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