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Meylia widjaya, 27 y.o.
Surabaya, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 410.
inactive user
Omg that's huge !! :o Isn't it too noisy ? :l

Okok thanks ! ^^ I'll tell you when i will watch them :p
inactive user
Really !? o.o Omg, that's sad !! :(
Oh so you have a cool class at least ! ^^ How many students are there in your class ? Don't worry x) Do you find school harder this year ? :3

Ps: could you recommand me movies from indonesia that you like ? :3 I want to watch some ! :d
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2013
inactive user
It's too complicated and annoying to do ^^' but I finished my job now x).. 1 month ago (?)
Wait, when are your summer holidays ? Mine are from July to September~~ So now you're at school ?! Do you have a new class or same students ? :3
Oh and sorry for the late answer >< I couldn't go to internet ^^'
inactive user
Yep !! :l Long time no talk :l
I'm.. Great (?) :).. uhh quite bad, I'm working in a chocolate shop and my boss doesn't like me --' he's a bit mean to me :/
What about you ?? :D
No no it's ok x) don't worry ^^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2013
Hey! :)
inactive user
I have to work in a clothe shop ! It's sooooooooo tiring !!! TT
I'm seriously diying but it's the last week! Then I could go to school again :3
...I'm not even payed --'
inactive user
Hum... Maybe because at at this time I was too lazy ^^' and with my mother I prefer stay in house ! And my mother will be too tired to go out at this time and this weather :l
But if I spend my New Year next year with one of my friends, then maybe we will go to those places xp
i don't think Paris is the most beautiful city in the world xD
It's this kind of machine : :D but not the same exactly :).
... But.. Now that I'm doing my 'stage/formation' I get too lazy to do it when have free time :l.. I'm too tired TT
inactive user
(Sorry for the late~ ^^')
Oh! Just like one of my friend x3
Uhm.. Mine was.. cosy :3 I didn't do much ! Just stay in house with my mother. We watch tv and eat well =)
Omg that sounds so nice !! :D I want vacation TT.. It's been a while since I didn't had a great trip --'
Uhmmm.. I get a sports machine ! :DD And money with little stuff here and there :)
inactive user
lol thank you ;D
Oh I see :/... I need my internet every day so I don't know what I will do if my connection is bad x)
Happy to hear that :P

Oh, thank you so much :*
You too <3 ^^
I hope you had a great christmas !! How did you celebrate it ? And what did you get ?? =)
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