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Mehran Janghorbani, 42 y.o.
Tomsk, Russia [Current City]
Kerman, Iran [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Graduate degree
Robert Gordon University


PhD Student

Relationship status


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 225.
inactive user
Hi dear.nice to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2011
I've been good! Thanks for hitting me up. Wow, a lot really has changed for me now. I am out of high school now in trade school for automotive. Learning more every day. New school, new friends, so much more to learn!
How about you? Hope all is well!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2011
hey how are you?
inactive user
hey hey hey!
how are ya?!
inactive user

Well, I just had to redo my entire reply, but, as goes interpals when you are using a computer roughly 1.5 times your ageXP. Yes, my computer crashed, my old faithful 12 year old computer...dead. And my new one is even older...

I have been busy. I am taking a driver's ed course and all honors classes and I got H1N1. Yep, the dreaded swine flu:P it wasn't even that bad, spare for the abdominal pain I only assume that came w. it. So, that left me bedbound for a few days and only pushed me back further in my schooling...But, things are going alright now.

Speaking of which, you had to postpone your Russian, have you resumed it?
Also, is your work dangerous? Or just time-consuming? Shall I be concerned for your very life? Could PIRATES storm your ship!??!

Also, I have to write a mystery for my english:D:D And, that kinda excites me. I want mine to be super super good. but, I need assistance in a name (I know, I always ask your help in naming something, human, pet or otherwise). The main character has to be a detective of sorts in the case you create. So my girl isn't a detective (I may make her a former gov't. agent or a con, either way) but, due to some connection to the crime, she is investigating it. She will be young. She is feisty. Any ideas? maybe foreign too.

Ahh, I should go, 1 more minute till I must go to sleep, I need my 8 hours:P

inactive user
Jeeeeeeeeeeez, I did it again. This time I do have an excuse. My SPLEEEEEEN! It's like..bursting or something. My kidney/spleen region has been paining me something terrible for about a week now. Hmmph, if you are on a rig..does it even matter if I send this..? Will you be able to receive it?
3hours a day! That is madness. I walk the hour each way to school, so I have two hours..but..still....oh my! Think up something fun to do in your car as you wait:P
inactive user
My dear dear friend,

Sorry! It took me decades to reply. See, I use this site for like..two days, grow weary of it, and kinda forget there are actual people involved..

No, is horrendous.
How goes the russian?

Apparently I speak with a russian accent..:/
inactive user
Whoopsie..I do believe I forgot to replyXP
Thanks:) At least someone believes in me. I'll probably become a doctor or something, but right now my dream job is a vagrant:D
Actually, right now, as an assignment (I finished that other assignment, but, it was no good) I am to write my life story..and...oh my....this is the worst assignment ever. I hardly remember last week, much less when I was 5. Why do none exist?!
:D:D That's so cool. I'm sure you'll take to it quickly.
Good luck with the martial arts..that'll be interesting, try not to kill anyone just yet
inactive user
whoops, I lie:/ Now it's cereal for all three meals.
inactive user
Yeah, hmm, I am good in emergencies..but that's about it. No, no, no kitties in my house, I was nannying for a couple w. a cat who my puppy tried to eat..:/ And..I don't think it's possible. I just let them go at it and collect bids for the winner.
Cereal and Jello are amazing! And I'm not as stressed anymore so my jello consumption is down, and I only eat cereal for breakfast:D Which..I guess is an accomplishment. I once ate so many baby carrots I turned orange.. I go through phases with food.
Yeah, but not a teacher... Someone suggested it to me and..I could not. I do not have the patience for my own snot-covered kids and someone else's.
Oh! You poor boy! Did he really?!
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