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Johnny, 70 y.o.
Sarasota, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 193.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2014
OK Guyze.
All Clear.
The fog has lifted 4 now!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2014
Yeah . . . All sorts of NUT STUFFNG. World view. imposed and superimposed.
doctors of medicine completely refuted 100% in my view. Got the whole idea of health all wrong. Just like our Politicians, Educators, Religionists, Scientists, those practitioners of Health are doing more harm than good. PLEASE NOTE. International (multinational) corporations are subject to no legal authority of any kind. They are 100% free to use any weapon of war .. .. .. .. conventional (TNT), biological, chemical, nuclear, or radiological (& LAZAR) . . . and use it for any reason on anyone.

I have spent half my life detained as a 'enemy combatant' and tortured and interrogated the whole time; drugged, hypnotized with sleep deprivation and years of total isolation while being brainwashed and programmmed all along. It was all because of what I knew of NEW WORLD ORDER SECRET PLANS. Try writing me - [email protected] for more details. John.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2014
I have lots of stuff I can send you.
Tons of stuff.
So much you can't believe it.
Incredible unbelievable facts about the real truth concerning all the lies out there.
Write me back.
Contact me.
You have to. Please.
[email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2014
Had to give up my 30 year straight project on the ASTROSHOCKER - tentwelve magique shop. They atacked it robbed it took all my assets and showed me they don't want it. You know SATAN and friends.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 12, 2014
OK I see. We git it now. For so long as it is I will exist as me, Johnny; always all my friends along with me, too.
Takes a long time to find a way in through all the BS the human puts here before me. Weeks sometimes months, years but in my heart a true friend like all you guys are will ALWAYS be forever. John Riccio MY EMAIL ADRESSES ARE>>>>>[email protected]>>>[email protected]>>>>[email protected]>>>[email protected]>>>[email protected] >>>>> I am the sole one and only founder creator and owner of THE TEN-TWELVE MAGIQUE COMPANY, home of the ASTROSHOCKER, where you can learn the "science astralchemy" from a MASTER PLAYER! I practice holipathy 9 an empathetic healing modality and I am a metaphysical divine minister with a global mission to practice, the mad poet, crazy artist and now a ghost writer, too. (also). In addition to. ME! Johnny ROCKS. Pals!!! Meet me here guys! Here! Say hello and allow permits on the prayers for cosmic winds to blow positive. EEEEEEEEEEE.E
inactive user
1955 what was at that time in U.S. .
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2014
hello ur ar a wanderful person.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2014
Hi...I have just been attracted by your profile to drop you some lines after glancing through......Hope we can be very good friends to learn great things from each other!!!
inactive user
hello John please write me on my wall since i can't work with this new lay out
what are you talking about?what's wrong?
inactive user
I think I do not know what you're talking about.I do not know what I had written.
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