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Hitomi, 33 y.o.
Nobeoka, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
inactive user
嵐の同じところが大好き^ 中がいいとこ


That means you've been a fan for many years, right?
I like the same about them, that they get on well
Actually, here where I live noone knows about Arashi, it's a pitty
I told one of my friends about them but I couldn't make her understand how they're good.
I also saw Ohno's Maou, it was very cool!
To be honest, more than Aiba's I like Ohno's playing or singing better

I guess it's because Aiba is always smiling to himself or saying some silly things, just like a kid ^
I also like his laugh. I got such an impression of him after watching various TV programs with Arashi.
inactive user
I saw the drama Hana Yori Dango with Matsujun :D , and I thought the songs were really nice. After that I found out more about them. What about you?
相葉ちゃんは一番かわいいだと思う^ どうして大野さんが一番好きなんですか
inactive user
Yes I like them a lot!
But I like Aiba the most ^ Ohno is second.
inactive user
Hello ^
I see you like Arashi so I decided to try and send you a message.
Actually I'm learning japanese so if you want we could chat sometime. Of course I can help you with english if you want^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2016
What a great picture :)
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