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Lena , 34 y.o.
Mödling, Austria [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 371.
inactive user
I am from India. I love to know to people and their cultures around the world. It amazes me to know how different we are in cultures around the world but it amazes me more to know how same we are in our basic needs and behaviour.
I like to be your email friend.
inactive user
wie get es dir ?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2011
Wishing you Merry Christmas!

Sorry, late wishes though! :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2011
Clearly d:
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2011
I know, right? d:
Damn, it's been ages!
How could I have met someone I only ever *once* wrote on her wall? (;
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2011
Someone has a photo of herself on ip!!
inactive user
Thank you for the note and was so happy to hear that you like India.You are welcome.Please don't forget to come down to my state ,Kerala which is the southern part of the country.If you want to see more pictures of my place, please visit the albums of my mum and also that of my dad on this website.Their user names are given below:-
inactive user
greetings to you from the land of India
inactive user
Heyyy. I'm good thanks. Just moved down to London yesterday and going to D&AD this week. I'm sure you've heard of it but if not it's a big design event/award ceremony. I wouldn't say it was better in the UK but I think it all depends on what kind of design interests you. I have find quite a lot of interesting studios in Austria that I've been in touch with :)
inactive user
No I didn't >.<
Yep we roll the r's all the time.
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