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Kim yuhyeon, 34 y.o.
Andong, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
inactive user
oh so you are rally busy.I just wish you the best in life
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2008

Sorry for reply u too late. I'm very busy 'cuz i'll have the final exam

next week T.T

And yea, i mean Nichkhun ^^

I really really like him >///<

He's so cute. hehe

Is he famous there?
inactive user
hie how are you?
inactive user
hahahah im doing good how about you???? and im glad you liked the movie!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2008
yea, iknow them.

I really like Big Bang and Se7en >.<

I heard that Big Bang will have a concert here next month.

I wanna see it >///< u know Nichakhun?
inactive user
we came to know much about it because there is this series film called THE JEWEL IN THE KOREAN PALACE that made us so much interested about south korea. Thats a really nice pierce of film i really like it and dont dare to miss an episode
inactive user
hie how are you today did you finish writing your exams
inactive user
Thanks a lot but dont despair about exams if you just put more effort you just gonna excel. Just tell your self that failure is not an option and evrything will work out for you. Dont loose hart just believe in yourself that yu are going to do it and really you will attain the best out of your self.

inactive user

whats up how are you and how is korea?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2008
Hi! Thank you for sending a message★
Oh, really!!? I'll help you with Japanese if you need^^

Oh, Arashi is popular in Korean? Ninomiya is best actor of them, I think. He appears in a Hollywood movie 'Iojima karano tegami'.
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