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Hi. Thanks for stopping by my profile. I'm Chris.
nice talking to you! c :
Like i have tryed stuff but thats about it.
I'm told I can be anti social at times. :p
no uniforms, thank goodness.
What about you whats your school like...are people nice??
I definitely am not ready. It makes it even worse since i'm starting a new school this year!
It's going to suck. The only kinda good part about it though is that there is only like 30 kids in my grade....i'm still debating if thats a good thing though. haha
It's a private school...i used to go to a public school but my parents made me go to a private school because i was doing "bad" things.haha
I napped all day so now I can't sleep. :p
I start school in three days, and i'm in a cycle where i stay up all night and sleep all day. :c
I'm not going to be able to wake up in the morning!
Thankss I love indie/ alternative stuff! Thats one reason why I said hi because you seemed cool. haha c :
Are you really 14?! You seem like you'd be older.
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