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Artur, 32 y.o.
Mexico City, Mexico [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Composer, Teacher

Relationship status


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 1 year ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
inactive user
inactive user
Wow, I really like that quote you got there. :)
inactive user
Clearly a work of talent. Or is it just objectified sincerity?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2015
no way.....its ok u did not get advice,dont try it again and pretend it never existed.....cheers!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2015
astral entity?.....tell me u did not try that,or did u?.....
inactive user
I just had to comment and tell you that your profile is one of the most fascinating ones that I've ever read. Congratulations. :)
inactive user
Greetings from me now in Guadlajara. Returning to Europe via DF at the end of March.
Fascianting Profile, it would be good to be able to message you direct, but you have to allow it.
Happy New Year anyway. Sincerely Peter
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2014
To be honest, Kingdom Hearts is my favorite game of all times and I had to smile like the Cheshire Cat when I saw you put it there, as your last picture xD I play a lot of video games in all kinds of game consoles. My favorites are the Playstation II games, the Prince Of Persia series, the Jack And Daxter series, and as I said, the Kingdom Hearts series...
inactive user
What are the seven arts?
Oh, humor is what I aim to go for too XD But it's sort of difficult applying it to the right occasions. The exaggeration tone, too is something which I cannot do.

Oh, btw do you want to continue the conversation on messages instead?
inactive user
Yep, I noticed :3
How artsy XD Haha, I don't seem to have the talent to beautify words, like you did. When planning a speech, I usually just hit the main points straightaway. Which just makes it boring.
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