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Mersad, 36 y.o.
Isfahan, Iran [Current City]


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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 69.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 15, 2016
God is dead
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2016
1-The complexity of out planet points to the opposite direction of intelligent design, a creator that can create/animate things by "magic" have all the reasons to make things pragmatic, the complexity it totally pointless. There is animal characteristics that would had lot of biological sense in the point in the evolutionary point of view, but would be useless, god really likes to play doesn't he?
2-We dont know it yet, that is a knowledge gap, and it doesn't give you the right to put god in it. We couldn't explain storms and people used to put god/gods in it, now we cant explain the universe and you put god in it. Saying that god created everything dont explain nothing, it's just more comfortable
3-There is rules cause our need to transforming every piece of abstract knowledge in numerical and understandable knowledge, we classified the behavior of the universe in laws, the same way we do in our society.
Again, putting god in it does not answer anything
5-Never happened to me, actually it worked on the contrary. Just talk about him when someone present me some argument(and that works to everything), i love discussing :D But nobody gave me a reason to believe in it
4-Another question to the science and not a reason to believe in god at all, but i can awsner that: The flying poneys that made it(or complex biochemical processes shaped through years of adaptations to the environment, also know as evolution)
6-You inverted the papers, deducing that some ramdom person dropped down its clock, is use the logic, and it is what the science does and do while trying to explain the universe. Now, believing that it appeared from the nothing is what religion would do and does when explaining the universe
Everything that you saind actually has a scientific explanation and its unlikely to happen(but possible), but god.. well based in the logical reasons we have to belive in it, god its impossible
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2015
God is all around,God is Love
-The king
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2015
inactive user
oh is it true that a real islamist have to make ******* to a horse?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2015
i love God brov his is my ultimate his the reason of my being,,,,,,..////
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2015
yes he does.
inactive user
Jesus isnt the son of god .. god has no sons or wife .. he is by him self .. i read u Does god exist list
inactive user
dude, i think this site isn't a religion site. i live in muslim country but why should i forced someone to do what muslim did? it's his/her choice to do.. even he./she is an atheis. if you want to ask her about any specific "RELIGION" just text her. one last thing: someone who never read al-quran before wouldn't understand the arabic writing, so it's useless. we need to learn the basic from iqro than continue to al-quran. if we read it wrong, don't we get a sin? better learn it first before read it
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
I don't know about that, what did you said ?
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