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Lemlemlem, 40 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 768.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2019
such a mistery guy :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2017
Hi Lem, I'm retrying to do my diet, I was doing good earlier in the year but now I've started to gain weight so I'm trying harder now.

I have another shipment coming from Osaka arriving next week, I only paid ¥500 - ¥800 on average for each figure, so I got great deals.

Ah, Re-Zero Rem and Ram, I have a ram figure! :) But those nuigurumi plush are really cute!

I hope you have a great Christmas and great New Year!!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2017
Hi Lem, How are you? How is your diet progressing? I'm doing okay - I found a anime merchandise seller in Osaka who sells many figures for cheap prices.

I made this video of some of the merchandise that I got. This looks like to be a very good investment business, this person who sells these figures is making a lot of money by exporting anime goods to America lol
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2017
Hi Lem, I got back home from a really huge and amazing anime convention, very big! I met several very famous voice actors, played some Japanese video games that was imported, also played on Japanese claw machine! (I didn't win any prizes) and saw many great cosplayers.

Please check out some of my photos!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2017
Hi Lem, I have a smartphone and a Tablet. I will look into getting this app! Today, I just got back home from 3 day anime convention, it was amazing!! It was very good, even a TV crew did a news story covering this convention.

I purchased several anime items, and several rare items!! I met 4 US actors.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2017
Hi Lem, I am going to another anime convention next month. I'm really looking forward to it. I got several figures at the convention in Maine, plus I was able to meet some famous US voice actors.

I got these items
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2017
I am meeting on very big US voice actress, she has played many characters such as Ikazuchi from Kancolle!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2017
Hi Lem, I am going on vacation this week and discovered that there is an anime convention in the area so I'm also going to that! It is a 4 day convention but I'm only able to go for one day, but I'll try to take as many photos as I can :)
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2017
Hi Lem, I'm okay - I have restarted my diet over a month ago, winter time makes want to eat unhealthy foods so I gain weight. My diet is going okay at the moment, hopefully I can continue - I hope your diet works out too, dieting isn't easy it seems (# ̄ω ̄)

I will be going to two, maybe even three anime conventions this year! I already have vip pass to one of them. I really would like to go to AnimeNYC in New York City since it will become a very large convention, many Japanese anime producers are going to attend and maybe even Idol groups might perform on stage there!

Hmm, American Idols exist but not in the same way Japanese Idols, over here they mostly are singers and don't really do anything extra unlike Japan where a lot of the idols promote products, or help with anime.

I like a lot of Japanese idols :) I think Japan has the most unique idol culture in the world.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2017
Hi Lem, how are you? Is your diet working out? I am re-trying my diet again, I didn't do so good during the past few months, it was a bad time as I had several deaths in my family due to Cancer and it wasn't a good time for me and I was eating too much to deal with all the stress.

I'm okay now, but I really need to lose weight even more than ever now. Since I had a bad start to this year, I promised myself to do many things this year so I am going to extra anime conventions this year, there is a new one which I am excited to visit since it will become a very major convention, and is sponsored by many companies even Kodansha Books - so I am expecting Japanese actors to visit this convention in New York City.

How have you been? I hope everything is okay for you. Take Care of yourself!
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