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Beata, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 62.
inactive user
heyy there! your so pretty!

I want to be friend with you!
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2009
Hi there! :)

just watched your profile as you can guess! ;)
I must say, you have a great hairstyle! I Specially like your picture with you standing in a cornfield!

Nice movies you have a favorites, i personally love constatine and have watched it countless of times!
inactive user
I want to make good relation with you 6_6
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2009
widzę, że poprawiłaś, ale odpiać to nie łąska ; / ;p
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2009
nie mam gadu gadu, więc nie mam jak zapytać.
ale powiedz mi co na jutro ; D
i czy jest jutro coś z niemca ; x
inactive user
heyy prettiiii

inactive user
Ah I see.. so your school is kind of.. strict? :D If yes, mine is either.
Tehe. I go to this Catholic all-girls school and yeah the rules sure kill me.

The movie is great, I know.

Im looking forward to the second movie. NEW MOONNN!
I just cant wait =))
inactive user
You are welcome :)
Hehe. Yeah I know, but I guess the books are way better than the movie, no?

Ah I see.
I am great, thanks. Even though school has been treating me so bad, but whatever.

What time is it there?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2009
hi :D

how u doin'?
inactive user
Hey Beata :]
You sure have nice pictures.
I like your main-pic! <3

I love photography and Twilight series :]

So how are you?
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