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Kaisu, 34 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 584.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2009
Hei mitä kuuluu? =) mä oon Andres, asun Perussa (Peru on etelä-Amerik​assa), puhun espanjaa, englantia ja vähän suomea :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2009
We count 1years old in mothers body
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2009
hei Kaisu!

olet oppimiseen Portugalin?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2009
A que lugar de España vas a viajar?

inactive user
Yes are you kidding? I'm living for prison break :D haha, well not quite but you know.. :p

yes sure i do, i'll send you my mail in a message :D
inactive user
Haha cool :D

Yeah well you know us danish people, we all got a little viking in our blood :D haha lol :)

I just looked at your profile, and I noticed you watch prison break! :D How is that going for you?
inactive user
Haha :D What did you tell your mum about you injuries? Or haven't she noticed it :) ?
- anyway i think it's so cool you that you actually did sneak out, and snowboarded without her knowing of it :D haha = credits!

haha :D you even got to hug him :D lol.. you say famous, is he good?

Haha :D I can't.. nobody can actually.. because the gear wheels are broken, and I have to get some new :/ it costs like too much, atm..
inactive user
Haha :D Don't move out yet :p in 3 weeks you will done? and then you can move out :D

Shit party all weekend! and on a ship :p that's like a huge dream of mines :D lol :p seriously it sounds like so much fun!!!

Nothing really.. Denmark is boring and cold, and my bike is almost 100% broken, so I have a tough time cycling to school ever day :/

- never mind the late reply - better now than never :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2009
I belive we spoke brefily once and for some unknown reason I stopped replying, but since you lurked around I dropped by and im amazed at how many things we have in common, im sure you're someone worth to meet. Anyway, im in summer right now im only in town for a couple of days and then i unplug from the tv and the pc in the beachhouse, but i check my emails, so if you're interested in sharing some stories or just write whatever you want, do so.
Hope to hear from you
inactive user
yes bjön borg boxers is very popular here in denmark :) wow sunny beach at the age of 17? :D cool

'high school' last 3 years here :/

That's not good news :/ Do you have to get a certain mark for your next education, or is it 'just' because you want good grades?
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