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Danilo, 42 y.o.
Maceió, Brazil [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree


Administrative Assistant

Relationship status



Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 365.
inactive user
:::: Hello, how are you?
inactive user
uahauiha, sou modelo não..
quem dera eu tivesse porte para isso.
Eu estudo e trabalho e vc?
inactive user
Oi, tudo e vc? :)
inactive user
Yep, Romanian is a Latin language as well as Spanish, so I'm glad you noticed the ressemblances. :)
inactive user
I don't know where is Aylesbury but yeahhh England is perfect place to life, I guess. I like to travel to different countries but coming back here is awesome and I'm always like ''Ohh, I'm home, I love it'' :D. What kind of mission is that? There are no mistakes in your msg except of one as you should have written it's AN incredible place except of A.
inactive user
obrigada! :) haha yeah i will save up for a trip to Brazil someday :)
inactive user
ownnnn, thanksss *-*
inactive user
Hi, I'm great thanks, what about you? Huh, I'd like to learn Portuguese, but maybe I'll start next year. Currently, one of my best college mates is Brazilian so he's thought me some words :).
inactive user
Haha eu não fala muito português..meu amigo teaches me :D sorry, i had to put those last 2 words in english since i don't know how to say it em português.
inactive user
eu estou bem :) e você?
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