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Anna, 28 y.o.
Jasło, Poland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 54.
inactive user
yeah ,new year:)my resolution is always same,just 'get to be positive',but still I am long way to go:/
hehe thank youuu:) he? you mean postcard?:D
waah I am glad to hear that you are happy!(*^^*)if you are happy,I am happy too(*^^*)‼‼I need to hurry up! I was mental illness lately:/but getting better day by day:)so I am sure I can send you Chiristmas gift to you!please look forward to it:)
inactive user
yeah!indeed:/I am taking some terms off from my uni now though.honestly I was not fine lately so I am glad to hear from you:)!!!
oh my,sure?;;;;I am so glad!!!:/ I will prepare soon too:)it took really long time:/I am so sorry for it:(
but I hope you will like it(*^^*)‼
inactive user
anna~~~!!long time no see!!!!how have you been??
I am not sure :/but I am planning to send you a package on Christmas or by new year day(*^^*)!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2013
sorry that i just saw your message,cuz i havent for a long time...thx for your.comment..hahahahah,really? whats your.favourite Asian food?
inactive user
Hey Anna:)it is so sweet seeing your message when I get on here.I love your profile is so nice^^

I major in Marketing in a college of my my school is too stressed and busy for me.I am a kind of person who dont know to stop or give up,I want to try everything I want,because I would think it is too pity if I let any chance go.

thank you so much that invited me to visit proland.:)I hope I will come oneday:)

I love reading,staying at home,I dont like shopping,I began to buy things online since my college is waste of time to shopping.I think my mom call me boring.Nerd..or sorts of love that calling swriously''''''^O^ hahaXD
inactive user
I mean pass maths haha:P

I am so happy hearing that you are interested in my country!
welcome you to be here oneday:DChina is big,I alaways feeling I am too small,but what funny is,when you feel that you are small,you will find more interesting and fantabulous things^^
inactive user
im good too:)

just finished maths test..hehe...wish it will be pass

i never been to poland before..I just wondering how is it?i bet it is a beautiful land:)
inactive user
anna:) I like you^^
inactive user
Hey Ania!:)

so nice to meet you!
I am Jing from China:)

how are you?^^
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2013
Hi for you who live other side of big world . Glad to talk with you
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