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Tasos , 44 y.o.
Athens, Greece [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
thanks! I"ll definitely check that out! I'm always looking for better :)
inactive user
Hey Tasos :) Haha my country only a bit bigger than Athens and I'll never be able to say "I know my country" :) Róda is in north Corfu island :)
inactive user
Ah right, I see.

Poor Canada, it's like the Wales of North America.
inactive user
Why Canadian, may I inquire?
inactive user
You actually took it seriously? Honestly?
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2013
haha thank you for my picture comment it made me smile!
greetings from the UK
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
Why thank you! How kind! x
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2013
Pizza anyone? I know what you mean :) That's the hardest for anyone to quit!
Fun facts: 1.cheese (milk) has some substances called caseinomorphines that are basically drugs designed to keep the calf addicted to its mother, lol. 2. chesse has a serious umami taste, (umami= awesomeness in food, the scientifically proven fifth taste).
I agree that if you're gonna eat cheese go for the real deal. I don't consume any artificial "vegan" meat, cheese, chocolate sundae or whatever. Excuse me now, I'll go attack some strawberries :)
inactive user
but Cheese tastes so good and vegan cheese has to be eaten in 3 days and is expensive. I don't drink milk very often or eat yogurts. Its the cheese I can't live without the cheese o.o.
inactive user
No way am I going vegan. I thought about it but theres really no point.
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