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장혜인(Hye-in or Monica), 29 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 67.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2014
한국어 잘 못해서 맨날 공부해야돼
inactive user
i will always love super Junior haha i think they are so honest, and good persons, and they fight for their dreams, and love their fans.. i don't know why but i love them haha
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2013
Wow, do you have funny?
Stay in bed for a certain time. :)
Nothing much! I went to study the English. :P
inactive user
I like Super Junior & EXO the most.
But I like a lot of other groups ^^

What about you ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2013
i went to a big bang and shinee concert while in Japan^^ they were really cool!:)
ahh, yes, gosh sekai no owari is one of my favorites, too! i love them a lot!:o the next i'm in Japan, i'll definitely go to their concert! are they popular in Korea as well? do you have a favorite song?:)

yes, i did try tteokbokki and it was sooo spicy!! some stuff were just too much, i couldn't eat them! my friend ordered this really hot soup twice maybe, she could barely eat it, was tearing up and everything, omg, it looked so horribly spicy!:D
uum, Hungarian dishes are not "automatically" hot like in Korea:D most of the time you can add something that'd make them spicy but it's not necessary. but we do use a lot of paprika!
i guess a soup called goulash may be the most famous dish we have..? but many other countries have their own version of it. tho we have fruit soups and also eat poppy seed, those may be special:D
inactive user
안녕!!! ^-^
Im Tannyha!
I hope that we can talk! :33
Greeting from Chile :3
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2013
Woah really??! Ahh thank you very much <3 I'm really happy >.<
inactive user
Well I live korean stuffs since 4 years now haha so I like korean movies. It began by listening to kpop.
inactive user
I watched the music video a week ago, I liked it too.
What other groups do you like? Who are your bias? :D
My favourite groups and bias are: B2st ( Kikwang & Yoseob), Big Bang (Taeyang, GD), EXO (Xiumin, Luhan, Kris, Kai, D.O.), B.A.P.( Yongguk, Zelo, Daehyun, Youngjae), SHINee (Minho, Onew), Super Junior ( Kyuhyun, Siwon), 2PM (Taecyeon, Nichkhun), Miss A (Jia, Min), 2NE1 ( all of them xD ), but I also like many other groups.
I know I have too many bias (and I didn't mention all of them :)) ) but I couldn't choose between them :D
inactive user
de nada! :)
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