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Jesse-M, 35 y.o.
Market Rasen, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2012
Jealous of your job! I reckon I'd have loved to have got into special effects make-up :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2011
been awhile hows u?
inactive user
Hahaha well I know what you mean I initially started watching it because I thought Jensen was hot lol.
inactive user
hey im good thanks, how are you?
and yes im addicted to supernatural
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2011
well hello there how u doing??
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2011
hi..hw r u
inactive user
Yeah iI'm never sure how to talk to people first, always seems a little awkward!

Agh early mornings for uni :(
Luckily after next wednesday I have a month off! :D
What are you studying?

Yeah id probably attempt long boarding!I'm one of those people who would probably try most things if people spontaneously suggested it! Although I'm a little concerned about my abilities with wheeled contraptions after i broke my ribs on ROLLERSKATES! haha!!

So how is your French? I'm really trying to improve my language skills, but im pretty sure im still at the level where French people with either laugh at me, or just not even understand me at all!!

inactive user
Haha. I am fine. (for the most part anyway) It'd be weird if i couldn't stand rude people with a crude sense of humor, cause i go above & beyond that.. I'd end up hating myself! lol How are you?
inactive user
Hello :)
Im petty good thanks! Although a little bored this evening.
How are you?

Im impressed that youre into longboarding, i'm pretty terrified of anything like that!

inactive user
Hello! I am Achilles.
Nice to meet you!
How are you?
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