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James, 34 y.o.
Taipei, Taiwan [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
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Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2014
Hi~ how r u,long time no see~
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2014
Yeah, season one and even season two had a lot more funny moments and wasn't as serious and heartbreaking. Season 3A, 3B, and now season four are super serious all the time and you don't get as many funny and lighthearted friendship moments. Just mostly Stiles being sarcastic when he's in trouble.

Netflix is a website where you can stream TV and movies. You can watch it on TV if you have that setting. From what I remember, it's about $8 a month, so not very expensive at all.

And yes, I know what that sentence means. I asked my friend to translate it and write it in Chinese so I could make sure it was accurate before I put it on my profile.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2014
Teen Wolf is fairly popular in the US. It's on MTV, and MTV is still a very popular channel here (although it went from being MUSIC TELEVISION showing MUSIC to a showing a bunch of reality shows but whatever lol), so Teen Wolf gets a lot of views. The fourth season premiere just aired last night! I think it's going to be much better than season 3 (especially season 3A, which I hated lol). As for series recommendations, I've been really loving CSI: Miami, if you're into crime shows. I've been watching it on Netflix and and I'm on season two right now. I also really love Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. As for other supernatural shows, Supernatural (lol yeah, that's the title) is really good... up until season five or six, in my opinion. H20: Just Add Water is another (about mermaids), it's really for younger people but... I don't care, I love it, lol.

I only speak a little bit of Chinese. Very basic stuff. A lot of the time, I can't even make a full sentence, lol. I stopped learning for over a year due to no motivation and nobody to talk to to practice so I forgot a lot.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2014
Helloooooooo, Teen Wolf fan. I don't think I've found another Teen Wolf fan here. I also like H50 and NCIS LA too.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2014
恩恩 我知道那個,可是那不太好玩,這個的話可以聊很多。
哈哈哈哈 看個人拉,有時候興致來時,也會直接在public wall 就直接聊了起來
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2014
心得阿,我覺得男女生遇到的情況應該有一點差異,不過大多差不多啦。非洲的就小心有些騙子就好~有些女孩或男孩可能不是想exchange languages~之類的,就不要理他們就好。至於政治問題,就看你怎麼回應,也是有友善的人啦~
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