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Iren, 34 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
Suwun nggeh Iren, panglima ndelok website joko pentil....eeh djaka lodeh, ...eeh djaka lodang hehe.Tapi Panglima luwih seneng moco Panjebar SEMANGAT, ben panglima tetep SEMANGAT sinau basa jowo! hehe

Ra popo basa jawa Iren mboten halus. Pokoke Iren dhewe mboten wong alus! Panglima langsung mlayu kocar kacir deh! hihihi

Opo Iren taun iki mudik nang kutho Ngayogyakarta? Tak jak Iren mangan gudeg bu Djum lan ngombe wedang ronde neng lesehan nggeh! Seneng ta Irene isa traktir panglima! hehehe:D
inactive user
We do both onshore and offshore projects.
inactive user
I'm currently working on an onshore extraction project.
inactive user
Nggolek bahan piwulang basa jawa neng Internet angel tenan. Saben dina panglima ndelok Pojok Kampung warto berito wong Suroboyo. Sakjane panglima ugo kepengen ndelok warto berito Jogjo ambek Solo. Tapi berito koyo iku gak iso ditemokno neng internet. Dadi nek ngomong coro jowo panglimo koyo cak Suroboyo wae deh! hehehe :D
Hihi Iren dadi Youtuber wae deh! hehehe
inactive user
Oalaaah sakjane Iren dadi putri kraton!
Hobiku sinau basa asing Iren. Kejaba iku panglima uga wong genius basa! hahaha:D Mboten aaaah pokoke mbiyen suka maca sastra indonesia, lan seneng nulis layang tresna ambek perawan indonesia! hahaha :D
Ono hasile uga nggeh. Bojoku wong Malang. hehehe
Bojoku mbiyen gak tahan rayuan maut panglima deh! hihihi :D
inactive user
Asale Iren saking New York mergo mirip liberty statue????
Patunge nggango bando kembang uga ta.
Sampeyan ndulur Donald Trump paling! hehehe :D
inactive user
Mangan keju ambek roti wae, nek ora mempan yo kembang tulip wae dah! Iren gelem ambek kembang ta. Topi kembangmu apik nemen. Muga muga kuping Iren gak dientup tawon! hehe Mbak Irene asale ndi, soko jawa timur yo?
inactive user
Mboten wong Indonesia kok. Wong kompeni soko Londo.
Panglima gelem banget ambek mangsakan Indonesia, dadi ilatku digoyangno ambek sambel terus. Akibate yo basa jawane biso metu dewe wae! hehehe ;D
inactive user
Hi mbak Iren, bisa bahasa Belanda ta. Panglima diajarin doooong! :D
Salam kompeni.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2017
We kunnen vrienden zijn als je dat bedoelt? Hoe goed is je Nederlands?
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