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Tifa, 29 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 517.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2013
hi there! I saw your favorites tv shows and I have a recommendation for you, a korean t.v. serie called "flower boy next door" is very funny,I hope enjoy it
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2013
ahh, I've heard that Cantonese is almost impossible for native English speakers to learn.. It's a cool sounding language though...with all the different tones. It sounds SUPER oriental. Pretty awesome.

What do you mean by Korean artist? Can you sing? To be honest, I've never heard Chinese music before. I don't know any Chinese bands.

Sugar Kiss? Hmmm...sounds very 少女-esque. I'm not sure if it would be my kind of manga xD

Dashy was something my ex used to call me. Apparently Dash was taken, so I went with this ^^'
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2013
aw bummer. I was hoping you would teach me naughty words in Mandarin XDDDD haha just kidding.

But I'm thinking I might want to start learning Mandarin once I feel comfortable with Japanese. I was thinking about learning Korean too.....I don't know >_< I want to learn all the asian languages! I wish I could just click my fingers and be fluent in them all xD haha wouldn't that be amazing?

btw, where did you get the name Iisugakiss from?
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take a rest))
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sleepy x.x n u?
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hello im sungsu kim)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2013
ahhh, I know exactly what that's like. I took Japanese in the 8th grade and everyone in my class learned a lot quicker than I did and I fell behind and dropped out of the class. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I decided to start studying it again. I think it's better learning by yourself than in a classroom setting. You can go at your own pace and have way more freedom and no stress.

I'm not bilingual but it's something I've always dreamed of being. So I'm trying my hardest to get there >_<''

I'm assuming your parents speak chinese?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2013
i try to stick to subtitles more often too. Since I'm trying to learn Japanese, it helps with listening comprehension. And the Japanese language just sounds awesome xDDD But for some reason Death Note is one exception where I prefer the english voice overs.

You're bilingual, right?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2013
bummer =\ I would have liked to have seen some of your drawings...

yeah, DN will always be #1 on my list too. But I've never actually seen the anime with subtitles. Personally, I thought the American voice actors did a better job.

I've never seen Claymore, but the name is familiar. What sort of anime is it? Do you recommend it?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2013
aw poop! >_<'' Well.... to be honest I wasn't even aware that there was a Manga called 'Another note' and I've never even heard of the character BB until today, so it's no biggie. He sounds like a cool character though.

L will always be my favourite though. I used to draw fan-art of him, but stopped after I browsed Deviant-Art and found the most talented artists in the world also like to draw fan art of him.... That site is really cool, but can be so discouraging >__>
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