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Yefta Soteros Yusak, 36 y.o.
Surakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Web & Graphic Design, Music Arrangement

Relationship status



Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 182.
inactive user
Hello!! I'm perfectly fine :D you?:)
inactive user
I actually left my studies to find a job. There's no way for me to study at this time :(
inactive user
I'm really happy for ya^^
There's nothing to say about me^^'
I found a job, nothing special. I study at home. I was on a trip in Polish cities to visit my friends :)
inactive user
OMG I'M SO HAPPY FOR YA!!! Great new :D Congrstulations^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2014
yes im life is ok now what about you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2014
hi my name is kukgai nice to meet u too how are you?
inactive user
Hello there my brother ;)
I'm finally back :)
How are you?:)
inactive user
I am going to my graduation place kak hahaha
inactive user
wow, slamat iya kk. Moga janinnya sehat :D
Aku udah dapat kerja kok kak, senin nie hari prtamaku kerja hehe
inactive user
Makasi iya kak, sorry balesny agak telat baru bisa buka IP soalny.
HHmm udah kelar kok, 26 sep nie aku wisuda. Kalo nikah, nnti aja iya klo udah 30 tahun haha..
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