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Shin Hyunji, 37 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 431.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2012
Hi, I am a Ghanaian from West Africa and interested in knowing much about other peoples culture.I am an MBA student studying Accounting and Finance.I like listening to reggae music.Cheers!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2011
how are you
inactive user
Ok! Thnx~ ^^

Yes! I listem k-pop! And I love...all! xDDD
inactive user
I started in the last october. ^^ I'm babo for the korean language! XDDD OK! Don't worry! I can help you! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2010
hey! nice to meet you tooo :)
what's south korea like?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2010
I like "Indian Boy" even though I've only heard a little bit of it. :D
I've heard I love You, Oh Thank you... i think. I like MC 몽 more and more as I listen to more of his songs. :D
I haven't listened to the other one but I will. :D
inactive user
Nice to meet you too~ ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2010
hello too
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2010 r u?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2010
There are so many. :D
My first songs were "Girl's On Top" and "Moto" and "Every Heart". :D
her U.S. album is good--I like it. This includes "Energetic", "Eat You Up", "I did it for love" and many more. Though I prefer "Girl's On Top" in Korean and not English. >.<
I haven't heard much of her recent music except for the one on my profile. I should really listen to more soon. >.<

Do you like any other artists? I LOVE 에픽 하이!!! They are my very favorite group! ㅎㅎㅎ
I like their new album, Epilogue. :D
I want it soooooo bad.
Have you heard MC 몽's song "죽을 만큼 아파서"?? I really like it.
He's becoming one of my favorite rappers. :D ㅎㅎ
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