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Hugo, 34 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
inactive user
Hello ;)
inactive user
and caramel too :p hahahah
inactive user

when did i write on ur wall??? lol ur only now jus replying??? lol
inactive user are ya? havent talked to u in ageeeeees...u doin alright?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2010
ha:P hows going
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2009
Merry chirstmas & Happy new year...­ !! :XD
inactive user
O.O.. BULL RIDING?! I think that's pretty scary. I've only ridden elephants and horses is my whole life. AND IT WAS IN THE ZOO. I mean, I don't know maybe you guys ride it in the field or smth.. I don't know! SG's small and restricted and I've never been to any other countries xcept for Cambodia. That's sad :(
But I will travel lots in the future, that's for sure :)
Will U ever like, migrate or smth? Heh :D
Oh mechanic! Whoa you must be good with those tools then :>
Do U work the whole wk? I'm having a holiday job now and it's only been 4 days (in the office with air-con somemore!) but I'm dead tired. Insufficient slp :(
I sleep on average not even 8hrs per day! So tired X.X..

I know it's 9:30PM there, so how did ur day go? Hee. It's just 11AM here and I'm going to have breakie with my dad :)
inactive user
Hello there! No, I don't mind :)
But you talk with little/no punctuation marks at all and it's hard to read ya know HAH. Nah, jk! Each to its own :>
How's life over there? Texas is known for it's BBQ right! I love travel and living channel :)
But my dad unsubscribed it months back. Ugh.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2009
thanks for visiting my page.

wish u a good night.

God bless you
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2009

long time no see.. How r you??

Have a nice day and TC!!
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